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Java Runtime Environment 8.0 Build 57(32 64bit) Final [Windows] 64 Bit

Viewed 10K+ times! This question is You Asked May I ask about the "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver".Per Java document, the PATH and CLASSPATH shall be configured in the Windows 10 environment variables .Below are information regarding the system/database version and what I did.The Java version is as below. C:\>java -versionjava version "1.8.0_281"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_281-b09)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)The JAVA_HOME isC:\Program Files\Java\jre\1.8.0_281The CLASSPATH hasC:\Program Files\Java\jdk\1.8.0_281C:\Program Files\Java\jdk\1.8.0_281\binC:\Program Files\Java\jre\1.8.0_281C:\Program Files\Java\jre\1.8.0_281\binC:\Oracle_RDBS_installation\product\12.2.0\client_1\binC:\Oracle_RDBS_installation\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\binThe compilation of Java program was successful by using "javac". But the class not found error message was returned during the run time. I have no problem accessing the Oracle database from Sql*Plus at all. I created two users, created a simple table for the sake of testing. Everything worked fine. I have no problem with the listener and the TNSNAES.ORA.Below is the information about database:SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Apr 21 09:08:05 2021Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.Enter user-name: c##_chiaraEnter password:Last Successful login time: Sat Apr 17 2021 09:46:21 -04:00Connected to:Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionBelow is the Java code:import java.sql.*; import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.Properties;public class Thirdj3 public static void main(String[] args) System.out.println("Beginning of the Thirdj3 program.");try //step1 load the driver class Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); //step2 create the connection object Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@DESKTOP-JBRID90.home:1521:orcl","c##_chiara","chiara"); //step3 create the statement object Statement stmt=con.createStatement(); //step4 execute query //*ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp"); //*while( //*System.out.println(rs.getInt(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3)); //step5 close the connection object con.close(); catch(Exception e) System.out.println(e); //End of main//End of Thirdj3 Class and Connor said...Your CLASSPATH needs to be able to find the jdbc drivers, so something likeset CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\oracle\sqldeveloper\jdbc\lib\ojdbc8.jarshould help (you change to the path to wherever your ojdbc.jar file is) Rating (2 ratings)Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment Comments Comment problem solvedPo-Wen Lu, April 28, 2021 - 12:00 pm UTC

Java Runtime Environment 8.0 Build 57(32 64bit) Final [Windows] 64 Bit

Hi Harald, \\n \\nThank you for your reply. \\n \\nAs a matter of fact, we resolved the issue pretty much at the same time that you sent your reply. Your suggestions are, however, leading to the solution, i.e. to install the updated Visual C components from Microsoft. \\n \\nIt turned out that I did not download and install the right Visual C Service Pack 1 distribution. JCo release notes suggest that \\n"Starting with JCo 3.0.4 you'll need updated libraries because of the Microsoft ATL patch, that requires new runtime libraries. See note 1375494 for details on how to install them." \\n \\nI was unaware of the fact that there was another patch on top of the service pack 1. That patch can be found at =en&FamilyID=766a6af7-ec73-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2 \\n \\nI had only downloaded and installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) which can be found at =EB4EBE2D-33C0-4A47-9DD4-B9A6D7BD44DA&displaylang=en \\n \\nHope this will help others in the future as well. \\n \\nCheers, \\n \\nAxel\",\"author\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"parentAuthor\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":6947014,\"creationDate\":1264333593000,\"activeRevisionId\":8255883,\"lastActivity\":1264333661000,\"parentId\":6946992,\"originalParentId\":6946405,\"likeCount\":0,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"depth\":0,\"attachments\":[],\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"relations\":\"canReport\":false,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"canEdit\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"isLiked\":false,\"type\":\"comment\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"canConvertToAnswer\":false,\"canBeModerated\":false,\"canViewRevisions\":false,\"showInReply\":false,\"reported\":false,\"canCancelReport\":false,\"canDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canComment\":false,\"canViewReports\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"liked\":false,\"moderatorComment\":false}]}}"); const simplifiedQuestionView = JSON.parse("true"); (function() window.pageContext = mergeDeep(pageContext, question: id: 6946405, plug: "java-connector-304-problem-jco-library-not-loaded-", votes: 0, questionTitle: "Java Connector 3.0.4 Problem: JCo Library not loaded, UnsatisfiedLinkError", isClosed: false, isLocked: false, isRedirected: false, redirectedFromTitle: "", redirectedFromId: "", closedStatusData: JSON.parse(""), userVoted: false, relations: JSON.parse("\"canClose\":false,\"canUnredirect\":false,\"canReport\":false,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"canEdit\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canReopen\":false,\"type\":\"question\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"canViewRevisions\":true,\"canUnlock\":false,\"reported\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canCancelReport\":false,\"canComment\":true,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"canViewReports\":false"), isQuestionAccepted: false , childToViewInfo: id: "" , comments: JSON.parse("\"6946992\":\"rootParentId\":6946992,\"commentsCount\":1,\"comments\":[\"body\":\"Hi Harald, \\n \\nThank you for your reply. \\n \\nAs a matter of fact, we resolved the issue pretty much at the same time that you sent your reply. Your suggestions are, however, leading to the solution, i.e. to install the updated Visual C components from Microsoft. \\n \\nIt turned out that I did not download and install the right Visual C Service Pack 1 distribution. JCo release notes suggest that \\n"Starting with JCo 3.0.4 you'll need updated libraries because of the Microsoft ATL patch, that requires new runtime libraries. See note 1375494 for details on how to install them." \\n \\nI was unaware of the fact that there was another patch on top of the service pack 1. That patch can be found at =en&FamilyID=766a6af7-ec73-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2 \\n \\nI had only downloaded and installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) which can be found at =EB4EBE2D-33C0-4A47-9DD4-B9A6D7BD44DA&displaylang=en \\n \\nHope this will help others in the future as well. \\n \\nCheers, \\n \\nAxel\",\"author\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"parentAuthor\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":6947014,\"creationDate\":1264333593000,\"activeRevisionId\":8255883,\"lastActivity\":1264333661000,\"parentId\":6946992,\"originalParentId\":6946405,\"likeCount\":0,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"depth\":0,\"attachments\":[],\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"relations\":\"canReport\":false,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"canEdit\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"isLiked\":false,\"type\":\"comment\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"canConvertToAnswer\":false,\"canBeModerated\":false,\"canViewRevisions\":false,\"showInReply\":false,\"reported\":false,\"canCancelReport\":false,\"canDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canComment\":false,\"canViewReports\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"liked\":false,\"moderatorComment\":false]"), answerPager: answersCount: 1, page: 1, pageSize: 10, pageCount: 1, sort: "votes" , answers: JSON.parse("[\"body\":\"Hi Axel,\\n\\nhhhmm, this might be a problem due to usage of 3.0.4 and missing updates to Microsoft runtime libraries; check my comments in . You might have done this already.\\n\\nAs far as I remember another cause can be on 64bit due to usage of mixed library versions (e.g. trying to run it in 64bit, but some libraries are actually 32bit or vice versa). Having said that, I'm now actually confused, because I thought that JCo still requires the librfc dll. However, on my Windows 7 box (64bit), I can actually do RFC calls without any librfc. I noticed that the command java -jar sapjco3.jar now shows me a JavaRfc in the JCo Middleware name field with a JCo Middleware version of 2.2.1. I tried to do some search on that, but couldn't find anything.\\n\\nThus if you have installed the latest Microsoft runtime libraries, I'm not sure what might be the problem. If you have access to a previous JCo3 version, you might want to try that...\",\"author\":\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":6946992,\"posted\":1264330282000,\"votes\":0,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canU


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