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Encyclopedia Of Women And Gender: Sex Similarit... [TOP]

Edwards, C.P., Knoche, L., & Kumru, A. (2001). Play patterns and gender. In J. Worell (Ed.), Encyclopedia of women and gender: Sex similarities and differences and the impact of society on gender (pp. 809-815). San Diego: Academic Press.

Encyclopedia of women and gender: Sex similarit...

Dr. Worell is the current president of the APA division on the psychology of women, and past editor of Psychology of Women Quarterly. She has also chaired the publication board of APA and is section editor of APA's Encyclopedia of Psychology on gender issues. Worell was the unanimous selection to head this encyclopedia by scholars in the field.I am a licensed clinical psychologist, recently retired as professor and department chair from the University of Kentucky, Department of Education and Counseling Psychology. I received my PhD at Ohio State University, have taught at Portland State University, Oklahoma State University, and was a research Associate in the department of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa. I have also been in private practice, seeing families with behaviorally-disturbed children. Most recently I regard myself as a feminist therapist with a focus on the issues that motivate women to seek professional help.I have been very active in psychological organizations-was President of the Kentucky Psych Association, the Southeastern Psych Association, and the Society for the Psychology of Women, (a division of the American Psychological Association). In APA, I have been a member and chair of the publications and communications board, which publishes all their books and journals. I was Associate Editor of their major clinical journal, the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and for 6 years was editor of the major research journal on women, Psychology of Women Quarterly. I have had many awards for distinguished contributions, including Outstanding Graduate Professor at UK, Distinguished Leader for Women in Psychology, an honorary doctorate from Colby-Sawyer college, distinguished Kentucky psychologist, etc. I have over 100 publications and presentations in professional books, journals, and meetings. My previous books include:Beyond Appearance : A new look at adolescent girls (1999), Co-Edi 041b061a72


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