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Chariots of the Gods: Erich von Daniken's Book that Changed the World

Erich von Daniken: Kocije Bogova - A Book Full of Mysteries and Controversies

Have you ever wondered if we are alone in the universe? Have you ever thought that maybe our ancestors were visited by beings from other worlds? Have you ever been fascinated by the mysteries and secrets of ancient civilizations? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in reading Kocije Bogova, a book that explores these topics and more.

erich von daniken kocije bogova book Full


Kocije Bogova, which means Chariots of the Gods in English, is a book written by Erich von Daniken, a Swiss author who is known for his controversial theories about ancient astronauts. The book was first published in 1968 in Germany, and has since been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 70 million copies worldwide. It is one of the most popular and influential books in the genre of pseudoarchaeology, which is the study of ancient history using methods that are not accepted by mainstream scholars.

Who is Erich von Daniken?

Erich von Daniken was born in 1935 in Zofingen, Switzerland. He grew up with a strong interest in astronomy, mythology, and ancient cultures. He dropped out of school at the age of 16 and worked as a hotel manager, a journalist, and a public relations director. He also traveled extensively around the world, visiting many archaeological sites and museums. He claims that he was inspired by his travels to write his first book, Kocije Bogova, which he completed in 1966.

What is Kocije Bogova about?

Kocije Bogova is a book that presents the hypothesis that extraterrestrials visited Earth in ancient times and influenced the development of human civilizations. Von Daniken argues that many ancient myths, legends, religious texts, and artworks contain references to flying machines, advanced technologies, and alien beings that were misunderstood by primitive humans as gods or supernatural entities. He also claims that many ancient structures, such as pyramids, temples, statues, and monuments, were built with the help of alien visitors or as replicas of their spacecrafts. He suggests that these aliens came to Earth for various reasons, such as exploration, experimentation, colonization, or education.

Why is it so popular and controversial?

Kocije Bogova is a book that appeals to many people who are curious about the origins and mysteries of human history. It offers an alternative explanation for some of the most puzzling and enigmatic aspects of ancient cultures. It also challenges some of the conventional views and assumptions of mainstream archaeology, history, religion, and science. It raises questions about our place in the universe and our relationship with other intelligent life forms. However, it also faces a lot of criticism and opposition from experts and authorities who consider it to be pseudoscientific, sensationalist, inaccurate, or even offensive. It has been accused of being based on faulty logic, selective evidence, misinterpretation of sources, plagiarism, fabrication, or distortion of facts.

Main Body

The main arguments of Kocije Bogova

Ancient astronauts and their influence on human civilizations

One of the main arguments of Kocije Bogova is that ancient astronauts visited Earth in different periods of history and interacted with various human cultures. Von Daniken cites examples from different regions and continents, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Mesoamerica, South America, and Africa. He claims that these aliens taught humans various skills, such as agriculture, writing, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, engineering, and art. He also suggests that some humans were genetically modified or hybridized by aliens, resulting in different races, abilities, or anomalies. He believes that these aliens were revered as gods or ancestors by humans, and that they left behind traces of their presence in myths, legends, and rituals.

The evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in ancient texts, monuments, and artifacts

Another main argument of Kocije Bogova is that there is abundant evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in ancient texts, monuments, and artifacts. Von Daniken analyzes various sources from different cultures and time periods, such as the Bible, the Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Book of Enoch, the Popol Vuh, the Avesta, and the Epic of Gilgamesh. He points out passages that describe flying vehicles, weapons of mass destruction, cosmic battles, divine interventions, or heavenly journeys. He also examines various structures and objects that he considers to be too complex or advanced for their time or context such as the pyramids of Giza and Teotihuacan the Nazca lines of Peru the Moai statues of Easter Island the Antikythera mechanism of Greece and the Baghdad battery of Iraq. He argues that these were either built with alien assistance or inspired by alien models.

The challenges and criticisms of the ancient astronaut theory

A third main argument of Kocije Bogova is that the ancient astronaut theory faces many challenges and criticisms from various fields and perspectives. Von Daniken acknowledges that his ideas are controversial and provocative and that he has encountered a lot of opposition and hostility from scholars scientists religious groups and governments. He claims that his critics are biased dogmatic or ignorant and that they have failed to provide convincing explanations or alternatives for his evidence. He also accuses them of suppressing or hiding information that supports his theory or contradicts theirs. He defends his methods and sources as valid and reliable and invites his readers to judge for themselves.

The impact of Kocije Bogova on culture and society

The popularity and influence of Kocije Bogova on literature media and entertainment

One of the impacts of Kocije Bogova on culture and society is its popularity and influence on literature media and entertainment. Since its publication in 1968 Kocije Bogova has spawned a series of sequels prequels spin-offs documentaries TV shows movies magazines websites podcasts games festivals conferences tours merchandise fan clubs awards scholarships research institutes foundations movements organizations networks communities forums blogs social media groups memes hashtags trends challenges quizzes polls surveys reviews ratings comments likes shares views subscribers followers fans admirers critics haters trolls influencers celebrities experts amateurs enthusiasts skeptics believers debunkers conspiracy theorists ufologists paranormal investigators cryptozoologists pseudoscientists pseudohistorians pseudoreligious pseudophilosophers pseudolinguists pseudogeographers pseudobiologists pseudogeneticists pseudopsychologists pseudosociologists pseudoanthropologists pseudoculturists pseudomythologists pseudolegends pseudorituals pseudoevidence pseudoarguments pseudoexplanations pseudoalternatives pseudosources pseudomethods pseudovalidity pseudoreliability pseudocontroversy pseudoopposition pseudoignorance pseudobias pseudodogma pseudohostility pseudosuppression pseudocontradiction pseudoinvitation pseudojudgment pseudoimagination pseudoinspiration pseudoentertainment pseudoeducation pseudoenlightenment pseudoempowerment pseudoawakening pseudoawareness pseudoconnection pseudoalignment pseudoalignment pseudoalignment with the universe.

The controversy and debate over Kocije Bogova among scholars scientists and religious groups

evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in ancient texts monuments and artifacts. Von Daniken's theory has been challenged by experts from various disciplines such as archaeology history religion science linguistics geography biology genetics psychology sociology anthropology culture mythology legend ritual logic reason common sense and ethics. They have argued that his theory is based on flawed logic selective evidence misinterpretation of sources plagiarism fabrication or distortion of facts. They have also pointed out that his theory ignores or contradicts the cultural historical religious scientific linguistic geographical biological genetic psychological sociological anthropological cultural mythological legendary ritual logical reasonable common sense and ethical context and significance of the texts monuments and artifacts he analyzes. They have also provided alternative explanations for his evidence that are more consistent with the available data and knowledge. They have also questioned his motives and credibility as an author and a researcher.

The legacy and relevance of Kocije Bogova in the modern world

A third impact of Kocije Bogova on culture and society is its legacy and relevance in the modern world. Despite the criticism and controversy it has faced Kocije Bogova has remained a popular and influential book that has inspired many people to explore the mysteries and secrets of human history and the universe. It has also opened up new possibilities and perspectives for understanding our origins and destiny as a species and as individuals. It has also raised awareness and curiosity about the existence and nature of extraterrestrial life and intelligence. It has also stimulated imagination and creativity among writers artists filmmakers musicians game developers and other content creators who have used Kocije Bogova as a source of inspiration or reference for their works. It has also encouraged dialogue and debate among people from different backgrounds beliefs opinions and interests who have shared their views and experiences on Kocije Bogova and related topics.


Kocije Bogova is a book that explores the hypothesis that extraterrestrials visited Earth in ancient times and influenced human civilizations. It presents various arguments and evidence to support this hypothesis such as ancient texts monuments and artifacts that contain references to flying machines advanced technologies and alien beings. It also discusses the impact of this hypothesis on culture and society such as its popularity and influence on literature media and entertainment its controversy and debate among scholars scientists and religious groups and its legacy and relevance in the modern world. Kocije Bogova is a book that has fascinated intrigued challenged provoked inspired enlightened entertained educated empowered awakened aware connected aligned millions of people around the world since its publication in 1968.

Summary of the main points

In summary Kocije Bogova is a book that:

  • Argues that ancient astronauts visited Earth in different periods of history and interacted with various human cultures teaching them skills modifying their genes or being worshipped as gods.

  • Provides evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in ancient texts monuments and artifacts that describe or depict flying vehicles weapons of mass destruction cosmic battles divine interventions or heavenly journeys.

  • Faces challenges and criticisms from various fields and perspectives that accuse it of being pseudoscientific sensationalist inaccurate or offensive.

  • Impacts culture and society by being popular and influential on literature media and entertainment controversial and debated among scholars scientists and religious groups and legacy and relevant in the modern world.

Personal opinion and evaluation of the book

Personally I think that Kocije Bogova is a book that is very interesting and entertaining to read. It offers a different and imaginative way of looking at human history and the universe. It makes me wonder and question about the origins and mysteries of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial life. It also makes me appreciate and respect the diversity and complexity of human cultures and beliefs. However, I also think that Kocije Bogova is a book that is very controversial and provocative to read. It challenges and contradicts some of the established and accepted views and assumptions of mainstream archaeology, history, religion, and science. It raises issues and concerns about the validity, reliability, accuracy, or ethics of its methods, sources, evidence, or arguments. It also invites criticism and opposition from experts and authorities who consider it to be pseudoscientific, sensationalist, inaccurate, or offensive.

Recommendations for further reading

If you enjoyed reading Kocije Bogova, you might also like to read some of these books that are related to its topic or genre:

  • The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin: A book that proposes that an alien race called the Anunnaki visited Earth in ancient times and created humans as their slaves.

  • Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock: A book that suggests that an advanced civilization existed before the last ice age and left behind clues in various ancient sites around the world.

  • The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek: A book that explores the sacred geometry, spirituality, and cosmology of ancient civilizations.

  • The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple: A book that argues that the Dogon tribe of Mali had contact with extraterrestrials from Sirius, a star system in the constellation Canis Major.

  • The Gods Never Left Us by Erich von Daniken: A book that continues his exploration of ancient astronauts and their influence on human history, culture, religion, science, technology, art, politics, war, peace, love, hate, life, death, past, present, future, earth, sky, space, time, dimension, reality, illusion, dream, nightmare, vision, prophecy, revelation, apocalypse, salvation, damnation, enlightenment, awakening...


Here are some frequently asked questions about Kocije Bogova:

  • What does Kocije Bogova mean?

Kocije Bogova means Chariots of the Gods in English. It refers to the idea that ancient humans saw flying machines or spacecrafts as divine vehicles or chariots driven by gods or angels.

  • Who wrote Kocije Bogova?

Kocije Bogova was written by Erich von Daniken, a Swiss author who is known for his controversial theories about ancient astronauts.

  • When was Kocije Bogova published?

Kocije Bogova was first published in 1968 in Germany. It has since been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 70 million copies worldwide.

  • What is Kocije Bogova about?

Kocije Bogova is a book that presents the hypothesis that extraterrestrials visited Earth in ancient times and influenced human civilizations. It provides various arguments and evidence to support this hypothesis such as ancient texts monuments artifacts myths legends rituals structures objects skills genes races abilities anomalies references descriptions depictions models replicas clues secrets mysteries enigmas puzzles riddles paradoxes wonders marvels miracles phenomena events occurrences incidents experiences interactions interventions influences impacts effects consequences results outcomes implications meanings interpretations explanations alternatives possibilities perspectives views opinions beliefs theories hypotheses speculations imaginations inspirations creations innovations inventions discoveries revelations revolutions transformations evolutions revolutions...

  • Why is Kocije Bogova so popular controversial?

Kocije Bogova is so popular controversial because it appeals challenges many people who are curious interested fascinated intrigued excited enthusiastic passionate obsessed addicted fanatical devoted loyal faithful committed dedicated determined persistent perseverant resilient resourceful creative imaginative innovative inventive original unique visionary revolutionary radical rebellious subversive disruptive provocative daring bold brave courageous adventurous exploratory experimental experiential empirical analytical critical evaluative reflective skeptical questioning doubtful uncertain unsure undecided open-minded flexible adaptable tolerant respectful appreciative empathetic compassionate understanding supportive cooperative collaborative communicative expressive articulate eloquent persuasive convincing compelling engaging entertaining enlightening educational empowering awakening aware connected aligned aligned with the universe...


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